Immunisations and Health Protection
Top Level audit
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File date: 06/03/2025

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- Childhood Immunisation - Aged 1 year (Version 8, 07/12/20). Update for new PCV schedule.
- Childhood Immunisation - Aged 2 years (Version 10, 07/12/20). Update for new PCV schedule.
- Polio Booster Campaign London (Version 2, 01/09/22)
- Pre-school Booster (Version 3, 04/03/13)
- Rotavirus Vaccine Uptake at 25 Weeks of Age (Version 12, 11/07/23)
- Routine PCV and Hib/MenC Claims (Version 18, 03/04/23). Updated for 2023/24.
Select the link below to download:
File Date: 27/07/2023

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- Coronavirus Vaccination Monitoring (Version 57, 06/03/25). Updated for the Spring 2025 Booster programme - cohort now reflects current JCVI advice.Note - The audit Priority Groups are mutually exclusive and therefore patients will only be listed in the highest applicable group.
Select the link below to download:
File Date: 06/03/2025

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- DTaP/IPV/Hib+HepB, At-Risk HepB, Early MMR 2023-24 (Version 29, 27/10/23). This audit needs to be delivered via Centrastage for automated reporting. Included here for completeness only.
Select the link below to download:
- dtap_ipv_hib_hepb_at_risk_hepb_early_mmr_20231103.exe
File date: 03/11/2023

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- Hib/MenC for Children At Risk (Version 2, 02/03/17)
Select the link below to download:
- hib_menc_20170309.exe
File date: 09/03/2017

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- HPV Call and Recall (Version 7, 10/11/23) Updated to reflect the latest vaccination schedule, and to cover patients from 12y to under 25y.
- hpv_vaccination_20231110.exe
File date: 10/11/2023

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
From WalesOnline, Teresa Owen, Director of Public Health for Hywel Dda Health Board, said: "There is an ongoing outbreak of measles in West Wales. To control this outbreak we need to vaccinate all children and young adults who have previously not had a full course of MMR vaccine.
"We cannot overemphasise the need for children to be vaccinated in order to control this outbreak. Even if your child has already had measles in the current outbreak or previously, they still need to have MMR vaccine to get protection against mumps and rubella."
Please click here for the User Guide.
- Measles and patients born since 01/01/1970 (Version 4, 02/04/13
Select the link below to download:
- measles_and_patients_born_since_01_01_1970.exe
File date: 02/04/2013

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- MMR Catchup - NILES 2024 (Version 2, 05/03/24). Created for practices in Northern Ireland to support the NILES. Version 2 corrects an issue with the invitation lines incorrectly including patients over 6 years old.
- MMR Uptake Monitoring (Version 4, 22/11/24). Added new Data Quality lines to help identify incorrectly recorded Booster stage originating from GP2GP.
- mmr_20241129.exe
File date: 29/11/2024

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- MenACWY Immunisation Annual Survey 2022-23 (E, W) (Version 9, 23/03/23). For automatic reporting, this will need to be shipped via Centrastage. Audit included here for completeness only.
Select the link below to download:
- men_acwy_20230413.exe
File date: 13/04/2023

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- Meningitis B Vaccine Uptake (Version 19, 09/06/2020). For HPA submissions, you will need to recieve this via Centrastage. Audit only supplied here for completeness.
Select the link below to download:
- meningitis_b_20200623.exe
File date: 23/06/2020

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- PPV Annual Vaccine Uptake Data Collection 2022-23 (Version 40, 12/06/23). For HPA submissions, you will need to receive this via Centrastage. Audit only supplied here for completeness, and for practices in Wales and Northern Ireland.
- PPV Call and Recall (Version 33, 12/06/23). Updated to capture all possible PCV vaccinations (note that these do not count for PPV).
Select the link below to download:
File date: 13/06/2023

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- PPV Annual Vaccine Uptake Data Collection 2022 (S) (Version 36, 20/01/22). For HPS submissions, you will need to receive this via Centrastage. Audit only supplied here for completeness.
- PPV Call and Recall (Version 29, 05/03/19). This audit has no fixed dates - everything is worked out as of today.
Select the link below to download:
File date: 04/03/2022

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- Prenatal Pertussis Monthly Reporting 2023/24 (Version 49, 25/01/24) Minor update to PRIMIS specification.
- Prenatal Pertussis Vac. Monitoring (Version 21, 13/10/22)
Select the link below to download:
File date: 26/01/2024

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- Prenatal Pertussis Quarterly Reporting Q4 (Version 13, 11/03/2021)
- Prenatal Pertussis Quarterly Reporting Q1 (Version 13, 11/03/2021)
- Prenatal Pertussis Quarterly Reporting Q2 (Version 13, 11/03/2021)
- Prenatal Pertussis Quarterly Reporting Q3 (Version 13, 11/03/2021)
- Prenatal Pertussis Vac. Claims 2021-22 (Version 13, 11/03/2021)
- Prenatal Pertussis Vac. Monitoring (Version 21, 13/10/22)
- prenatal_pertussis_vaccination_scotland_20221014.exe
File date: 14/10/2022

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) - E, W & NI (Version 3, 14/02/25) Added Invitations and updated the declined search.
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) - Scotland (Version 3, 14/02/25) Added Invitations and updated the declined search.
Select the link below to download:
File date: 14/02/2025

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- Seasonal Flu Call and Recall 2024-25 (Version 120, 22/01/25) Updated in line with the latest PRIMIS specification.
- Seasonal Flu Vaccination Claims 2024-25 (Version 66, 22/01/25) Updated in line with the latest PRIMIS specification.
Select the link below to download:
File date: 23/01/2025

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- Seasonal Flu Call and Recall 2024-25 (Version 119, 22/01/25) Updated in line with the latest PRIMIS specification.
- Seasonal Flu Vaccination Claims 2024-25 (Version 65, 22/01/25) Updated in line with the latest PRIMIS specification.
Select the link below to download:
File date: 23/01/2025

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- Seasonal Flu Call and Recall 2024-25 (Version 119, 22/01/25) Updated in line with the latest PRIMIS specification.
- Seasonal Flu Vaccination Claims 2024-25 (Version 65, 22/01/25) Updated in line with the latest PRIMIS specification.
File date: 23/01/2025

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- Shingles Call and Recall (Version 9, 13/09/24) Updated to include patients who turn 65 this year.
Select the link below to download:
File date: 13/09/2024

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
This is not included in the top level audit.
- Shingles Call & Recall (Version 9, 13/09/24) Updated to include patients who turn 65 this year.
Select the link below to download:
File date: 13/09/2024

This file contains the following Clinical Audits:
- Diphtheria/Tetanus/Polio 2nd Booster (Version 1, 01/12/10)
Select the link below to download:
- teenage_and_young_adult_immunisations_20200901.exe
File date: 01/09/2020